Fahrünnissa Zeid
"You have to put your whole being into your art in order to make it a masterpiece."
Date of Birth: 1901
Place of Birth: Büyükada, Istanbul
Date of Death: 05/09/1991 1991
Place of Death: Amman, Jordan
Burial Site: El Ragdan Palace Royal Cemetery, Amman, Jordan
Field of Activity
"Every time I paint, I realize that I am at one with all creatures, in other words, with the whole universe, with every possible kind of existence. I stand outside myself then and become a part of that creative process which spews out paintings like a volcano spews out rocks and lava, purified from the body I inhabit."
Fahrünnissa Zeyd
(A selection)- 1944First solo exhibition in the private apartment of Fahrünnissa Zeid, Istanbul
- 1950Hugo Gallery, New York
- 1953Galeri Dina Vierny, Paris
- 1964Akademie of Fine Arts, Istanbul
- 1964Hitit Müzesi, Ankara
- 1970Galerie Katya Granov, Paris
- 1972Galerie Katya Granov, Paris
- 1988Atatürk Kültür Merkezi, Istanbul
- 1994Art gallery of Erol Kerim Aksoy Vakfı, Istanbul
- 2000Art gallery of Erol Kerim Aksoy Vakfı, Istanbul
Collections with the Works of Fahrünnissa Zeyd
(A selection)- İstanbul Modern, Istanbul
- Rezan Has Müzesi, Istanbul
(No information available)
(No information available)
(No information available)
Contributions to Society
Founder of The Fahrenissa Zeid Royal Institute of Fine Arts , Amman, Jordan
Family and Friends
- Mother: Sare İsmet Hanım
- Father:Mehmed Şakir Paşa (ambassador, governor)
- Daughter:Şirin Devrim (actress, theater director)
- Sons:Nejat Devrim (artist), Prens Raad bin Zeyd
- Sister:Aliye Berger (gravure artist)
- Brother:Cevat Şakir Kabaağaçlı (alias Halikarnas Balıkçısı, novellist, story writer)
- Niece:Füreya Koral (ceramic artist),
- Uncle:Cevat Şakir Paşa (Grand Vizier of Sultan Abdülhamid the II., reigned 1876-1909)
- Marriage:İzzet Melih Devrim (first husband, writer), Prince Zeid (second husband, ambassador)
- Friends:Sabiha Bozcalı (painter) , Yaşar Kemal (writer), Tilda Kemal (interpreter), Fikret Adil (writer, translator), Edouard Roditi (poet, writer, translator), Jacques Lassaigne (critic), Mina Urgan (writer, philologist, translator)
Commemorative Projects
Fahrelnissa Zeid Institute of Fine Arts, Amman, Jordan
Further Reading
- Gökkuşağının bütün renkleri ve Fahrülnissa Zeid, Lebriz Sanat Galerisi, 19.7.2006 http://lebriz.com/pages/lsd.aspx?lang=TR§ionID=1&articleID=36&bhcp=1 (16.2.2012).
- "Gökkuşağında iki kuşak: Fahrelnissa ile Nejad", 18. 6. 2006 Hürriyet, http://hurarsiv.hurriyet.com.tr/goster/haber.aspx?id=4423203&tarih=2006-06-18 (16.2.2012).
- "Anne oğul bu sergide", 18.5. 2006, Türkiye Gazetesi, http://www.turkiyegazetesi.com.tr/HaberDetay.aspx?haberid=288283 (16.2.2012).
- Zeynep Şanlıer, Ana Oğul 60 yıl sonra buluştu, 17.5. 2006, Radikal, http://www.radikal.com.tr/Radikal.aspx?aType=HaberYazdir&ArticleID=780630 (16.2.2012).
- "Fahrelnissa ile Nejad. Gökkuşağında iki kuşak", İstanbul Modern, http://www.istanbulmodern.org/tr/basin/basin-bultenleri/gokkusaginda-iki-kusak_447.html (16.2.2012).
- Exhibition Catalogue, Fahrelnissa ile Nejad. Gökkuşağında iki kuşak, Istanbul, 2006.
- Cengiz Özkarabekir (documentary film), Gökkuşağında İki Kuşak "Fahrelnissa ile Nejad" – 2006.
- Zeynep Yasa Yaman, "An Artist and an Explorer Beyond Ideologies in a Globalized", Darat al Funun website, http://www.daratalfunun.org/main/activit/curentl/faherelnissa/exhib13.html
- Şirin Devrim, Şakir Paşa Ailesi (A Turkish Tapestry), Istanbul, 2003.
- Kaya Özsezgin, Fahr El Nissa Zeid, (exhibition cataloge), 2000, Istanbul.
- "Fahrelnissa Zeid Dies; Abstract Painter, 89", The New York Times, 11.9.1991, http://www.nytimes.com/1991/09/11/obituaries/fahrelnissa-zeid-dies-abstract-painter-89.html (16.2.2012).
- The Centenary of Fahrelnissa Zeid, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WFIjYyZS64
- Taha Toros, "Fahrünnisa Zeyd (Fahr el Nissa Zeid)", Antikalar.com, http://www.antikalar.com/v2/konuk/konuk0902.asp
Quoted Sources
- See the "Further Reading" section
Sources of Visual Images
Translation into English: Çetin Alanya, Istanbul, Turkey Editing: Lyndall von Dewitz, Oberasbach, Germany ©2012 Meral Akkent