Hale Asaf
Date of Birth: 1905
Place of Birth: Istanbul
Date of Death: 31/05/1938 1938
Place of Death: Paris
Burial Site: Thais Cemetery, Paris, France
Field of Activity
Throughout her entire artistic life, Hale Asaf exhibited an inquisitive spirit. In the beginning, she adopted a constructivist design sensibility; and this sensibility merged with an expressionist outlook developed during her German period. During the time of her studies in Istanbul, in paintings produced with short, sharp brushstrokes and in her plein air studies, she did not revert to prior patterns.
During the Paris years, in the beginning, the artist studied and experimented with Late Cubism; she achieved a synthesis uniting what she had learned since the age of 14 with Art Deco's sinuous lines; and came to an artistic sensibility that was wholly her own. In the exibitions in which she participated in Paris, Hale Asaf received acclaim because of her individual, distinctive style.
(Burcu Pelvanoğlu, Hale Asaf: Türk Resim Sanatında Bir Dönüm Noktası, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul, 2007, p. 116)
- 1926 Galatasaray Exhibition, Istanbul
- 1929 Ankara Ethnographic Museum, First Exhibition of Young Painters, Ankara
- 1929 Independent Painters and Sculptors Union (Müstakil Ressamlar ve Heykeltıraşlar Birliği), Istanbul
- 1930 Independent Painters and Sculptors Union, Ankara
- 1930 Montparnasse Summer Exhibition, Paris
- 1931 Independent Painters and Sculptors Union's Fourth Exhibition, Moskovit Salon, Istanbul
- 1931 Independent Painters and Sculptors Union Exhibition, Istanbul
- 1932 Jeune Europe (Young Europe) Gallery, Paris
- 1933 Jeune Europe (Young Europe) Gallery, Paris
- 1933 Tuileries Exhibition, Paris
- 1933 Jeune Europe (Young Europe) Gallery, Paris
- 1935 Society of Independent Artists' Fall Salon Exhibition, Paris
Collections In Which Her Works Are Found
- Painting and Sculpture Museum, Istanbul
- Istanbul Modern Art Museum, Istanbul
- Painting and Sculpture Museum, Ankara
- Sakip Sabanci Museum, Istanbul
- Rezan Has Museum, Istanbul
Hale Asaf as a Teacher
- September, 1928 Art Instructor, Bursa Girls' Normal School (Teacher's College), Bursa
- 1929 French Instructor, Necati Bey Girls' Art Institute of Bursa, Bursa
- December, 1929 Assistant to Senior Instructor Namik Ismail, Fine Arts Academy, Istanbul
- 1932 Director of the Jeune Europe (Young Europe) Gallery/Library, Paris
1929 Independent Painters and Sculptors Union (Müstakil Ressamlar ve Heykeltıraşlar Birliği)
Notre Dame de Sion French Girls' Lycee
- 1921 Fine Arts Academy, Berlin
- 1924-25 Student of Feyhaman Duran and İbrahim Çallı at the Akademie of Fine Arts for Girls (Inas Sanayi-i Nefise Mektebi), Istanbul
- 1925 Student of Lovis Corinth, Munich
- 1927 Student of Andre Lhote, Academie de la Grande Chaumiere, Paris
Contributions to Society
Hale Asaf was among the founders of the Independent Painters and Sculptors Union (Müstakil Ressamlar ve Heykeltıraşlar Birliği), established on 15 July 1929.
The Independent Painters and Sculptors Union was an association seeking to provide artists an opportunity to be able to work in an atmosphere of secure acceptance, of freedom to pursue their individual artistic visions.
Family and Friends
- Mother: Enise Hanım
- Father: Salih Bey (President of the Court of Appeals)
- grandfather: Asaf Pasha (Aide-de-Camp of Sultan Abdulhamid II, reigning 1876-1909)
- Aunt: Mihri Müşfik (woman painter)
- Marriage: Ismail Hakki Oygar (ceramicist)
- Friends: Fikret Mualla (Painter), Refik Epikman (painter), Cevad Dereli (painter), Mahmud Cuda (painter), Nurullah Berk (painter), Ratip Aşir Acudoğlu (sculptor), Muhittin Sebati (painter), Ali Karsan (painter), Ali Hadi Bara (sculptor), Şeref Akdik (painter), Elif Naci (journalist, painter), Fikret Adil (journalist, author), Antonio Aniante (author), Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu (poet), Eren Eyüboğlu (painter), Salih Urallı (painter), Ossip Zadkine (sculptor, painter), Carlo Sergio Signori (sculptor), Ivan Goll (poet), Curzio Malaparte (author) Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita (painter), Alberto Giacometti (painter, sculptor, printmaker), Fernand Léger (painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramic artist, director), Chaïm Soutine (painter), Giorgio de Chirico (painter, printmaker), Zog I, Skanderbeg III (King of Albania, reigning 1928 -1939)
Commemorative Projects
Further Reading
- Selim İleri, "Hayal ve Hakikat Çerçevesinde", Zaman Gazetesi, 22 Ekim 2011, http://www.zaman.com.tr/yazar.do?yazino=1193230 (Erişim 8.1.2012).
- Burcu Pelvanoğlu, Hale Asaf, Türk Resminde Bir Dönüm Noktası, İstanbul, 2007.
- Burcu Pelvanoğlu, "Sıra Dışı Bir Sanatçı Portresi: Hale (Salih) saf", Sanat Tarihi Araştırmaları dergisi, Sayı: 1, 2006.
- Abidin Dino, "Var'la Yok Arasında Hale Asaf", P Dünya Sanat Dergisi, Sayı: 36, 2005.
- Kıymet Giray, Müstakil Ressamlar ve Heykeltıraşlar Birliği, Akbank Yayınları, İstanbul, 1997. Antonio Aniante, Ricordi di un giovane troppo presto invecchiatosi, Cappelli, 1957.
- Fikret Adil "Paris'te Ölen Türk Ressamı:Hale Asaf", Yeni Mecmua, İstanbul, 1940.
- "Müstakiller: Müstakil Ressamlar ve Heykeltıraşlar Birliği", felsefeekibi.com, http://www.felsefeekibi.com/sanat/sanatalanlari/sanat_alanlari_mustakiller.html
- "Hale Asaf'ın İsmail Hakkı Oygar Portresi", Lebriz Sanal Dergi, http://lebriz.com/pages/lsd.aspx?lang=TR§ionID=6&articleID=364&bhcp=1 (Erişim 17.2.2012).
- "Hale Asaf", turkishpaintings.com, http://www.turkishpaintings.com/index.php?p=37&l=1&modPainters_artistDetailID=590
- "Hale Asaf", wikipedia.org, http://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hale_Asaf
Quoted sources:
- Burcu Pelvanoğlu, Hale Asaf: Türk Resim Sanatında Bir Dönüm Noktası, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul, 2007, s. 116
- See the "Further Reading" section
Source for Visual Images :
The Women's Museum Istanbul is grateful to Burcu Pelvanoğlu for her support in producing the Hale Asaf memorial page.
Translation into English: Margaret Fearey, Milton, Massachusetts, USA ©2012 Meral Akkent