Ramize Erer
"My mother was my first feminist heroine."
Date of Birth: 1963
Place of Birth: Kırklareli, Turkey
Date of Death:
Place of Death:
Burial Site:
Field of Activity
"(...) My mother gave me what mothers are afraid to give their daughters: freedom. She was my first feminist heroine. (…) I express my anger, the feelings I can't show via caricature. If I want to hurt or attack, I do it with caricature. Caricature has a way of softening mockery or ridicule but at the same time is strong and direct expression. Therefore caricature is my weapon. (…) The behaviour of human beings, their looks, their relationships, including myself, my friends and my family give me ideas. Even the tiniest details can be material for me.
Even if some women are feminists they don't speak out (...) Women who want to stand on their own feet have to be feminists and have to know what feminism is. Since I started drawing cartoons by telling about myself, I've turned towards issues of the women's world.(…) The heros were all the persons around me. Actually I grew up always watching my parents. (…) My style always addressed marriages, relationships and the questioning of marriage. This has continued. Not only do I draw these issues very well, it also does me good.
I guess men don't like my comic character 'Kötü Kız' (Bad Girl) very much. They don't even like how she sits, because men want to see that specific 'nice girl" image. When they see 'Kötü Kız', they get offended. Once a male friend of mine told me that he has learned all the secrtes of women from 'Kötü Kız. Another one told me:" 'Whenever I read your caricatures I feel caught in the act and I feel ashamed'. (...) Women love 'Kötü Kız' very much because she is that type of women they'd loved to be. They feel very relieved when they see in 'Kötü Kız' what they've been keeping secret or keeping to themselves. Many women say: 'You are drawing me'."
(Ramize Erer)
Books of Ramize Erer
- Chica dü lüks, Cartoon, Rotbuch Verlag, Berlin, 2008
- Evlilik, Can Yayınları, 2006
- Evlilik, İstanbul, Cadde, 2004
- Tehlikeli İlişkiler, İletişim Yayınevi, 2000
- Kötü Kız, Leman Kitapları,1999
- Eşi Nadide, Parantez Yayınları,1995
- Bir Bıyıksız, Joker, 1990
- Ramize Erer drew cartoons for the comic magazines Gırgır and Hıbır and for the feminist magazine Pazartesi and also for the newspaper Radikal.
(No information available)
(No information available)
Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, department Painting, İstanbul
Contributions to Society
(No information available)
Family and Friends
- Marriage:Tuncay Akgün (Karikatürist)
- Friends:Vivet Kanetti (romancı, gazeteci, çevirmen)
Projects in her Honour
(No information available)
Further Reading
- Katherine Simon, İstanbul'un Kötü Kızı, Radikal, 10.10.2009, http://www.radikal.com.tr/Radikal.aspx?aType=HaberYazdir&ArticleID=958509
- Şenol Bezci, Kayıhan Fırat, "Ramize Erer: Beni başka türlü değerlendirin", serüveb.org, 9.11.2005, http://www.seruven.org/roportaj.php?id=44.
- Almut F. Kaspar, "Türkischer Skandal-Comic Von geilen Tussis und Rammelhasen", Stern, 17.10.2008, http://www.stern.de/kultur/buecher/tuerkischer-skandal-comic-von-geilen-tussis-und-rammelhasen-642559.html.
- Lydia Leipert, "Das böse Mädchen", Berliner Zeitung, 10.11.2008, http://www.berliner-zeitung.de/newsticker/die-tuerkische-comicautorin-ramize-erer-zeichnet-sexy-und-sexwuetige-frauen-und-wird-in-ihrer-heimat-dafuer-angefeindet-das-boese-maedchen,10917074,10599170.html.
- Ramize Erer Frankfurt kitap Fuarında, 2008, http://blogs.hr-online.de/buchmesse/2008/10/15/durchblicke-1/index.html.
- Şenol Bezci, "Ramize'nin Kadın Suretleri", Serüven.org, 22.10.2005 http://www.seruven.org/inceleme.php?id=95.
- İrem Özgören, "Ramize Erer Karikatürlerinin toplumsal cinsiyet açısından incelenmesi", 2003, thefreelibrary.com, http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Ramize+erer+karikaturlerinin+toplumsal+cinsiyet+acisindan...-a0129170055.
- Semih Balcıoğlu, Cumhuriyet'in 75. Yılında Türk Karikatürü. Ankara: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 1998.
- "Kurabiye de yaparım 'Kötü Kız' da çizerim", VsDergi.com, http://www.vsdergi.com/200604/06/06.asp.
- Mithat Sarcan, Ramize Erer: Evlilik, http://mithatsarcan.blogspot.com/2010_08_01_archive.html.
- Interview with Ramize Erer: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xd2tsn_interview-ramize-erer-caricaturiste_creation
Quoted Sources:
- "Kurabiye de yaparım 'Kötü Kız' da çizerim", VsDergi.com, http://www.vsdergi.com/200604/06/06.asp (Access 21.2.2012).
- Mithat Sarcan, Ramize Erer: Evlilik, mithatsarcan.blogspot, 2010, http://mithatsarcan.blogspot.com/2010_08_01_archive.html (Access 21.2.2012).
Source for Visual Images
- Mithat Sarcan, Ramize Erer: Evlilik, mithatsarcan.blogspot, 2010, http://mithatsarcan.blogspot.com/2010_08_01_archive.html.
Translation into English: Yeşim Akçay, Nuremberg, Germany Editing: Judith Cederblom, Seattle, Washington, USA ©2012 Meral Akkent