Yaşar Nezihe (Bükülmez)
"Let it be known to those without rights that they do have rights"
Date of Birth: 14/01/1882 1882
Place of Birth: Silivrikapı, Istanbul
Date of Death: 05/11/1971 1971
Place of Death: Istanbul
Burial Site: Küçükyalı Cemetery, Maltepe, Istanbul
Field of Activity
"I would pick daisies, nettles, milk thistles and mallow seeds in the field and sell them to herbalists. Then I would give half of my earnings to school and the other half to the maid. That's how I financed my studies. But I could only go to school for one year. This was the the only education I had. To support myself, I learned sewing and embroidery from neighbors. I am a self-taught poet.
In 1896, when I was 14, I read a poem written by Leyla Feride[1]. It was in the women's magazine published by Ahmet Rasim: Hanımlara Mahsus Malumat. I loved that poem so much that I wanted to write poems like that too. That was when I started writing.
I found out later that Ahmet Rasim used the pseudonym "Leyla Feride" when he wrote for hıs women's magazines.
I had my first poems published under the pseudonyms Mazlume or Mahmure. In 1901 I started writing for the newspaper Terakki. I was a frequent contributor to the women's magazine Hanımlara Mahsus Gazete. My poems were published in magazines like Sabah or in women's magazines like Menekşe, Kadın Yolu, Kadınlar Dünyası."
(Yaşar Nezihe)
In 1934, after the law for adopting the family name in Turkey had been passed, Yaşar Nezihe adopted the name Bükülmez, which means "cannot be bent".
Bir Deste Menekşe (Poems), Marifet Kütüphanesi, İstanbul, 1913
Feryatlarım (Poems), 1924, Vatan Matbaası, Istanbul
Nevsal (autobiography), published as a serial in the newspapers Akşam and Tanin, date no available.
Member of The League of Workers
Contributions to Society
Family and Friends
- Mother:Kaya Eda Hanım
- Father: Kadri Efendi (municipal employee)
- Sons: Suat Bükülmez, Sedat Bükülmez,Vedat Bükülmez
- Husbands:Atıf Zahir (first marriage, government employee), Mehmet Fevzi Bey (second marriage, engineer), Yusuf Niyazi Bey (third marriage, government employee)
- Friends:Nezihe Muhittin (principal of Ittihat Terakki Vocational School, author, founder of the first women's party, Kadınlar Halk Fırkası, to demand women's political rights on June 16th 1923.)
Commemorative Projects
Radio Play in Her Memory
Lütfiye Aydın, Gizli Bir Kadın Ozan (Biography of Yaşar Nezihe Bükülmez), TRT Radio, date no available.
Poems Have Been Set to Music
250 of Yaşar Nezihe Bükülmez's poems have been set to music.
Kazancı Bedih sings Yaşar Nezihe Bükülmez's poem "Mecnun isen sana Leyla mı bulunmaz"
Mecnun isen ey dil sana leyla mı bulunmaz
Bu goncaya bir bülbül-ü şeyda mı bulunmaz
Sun şerbet-i lal-i lebin ağyara vefasız
Saki mi bulunmaz bana bir sahbâ mı bulunmaz
Arzetmiyorum aleme alam-ı derunum
Yoksa bana bir mahremi sevda mı bulunmaz
Bir sen misin alemde tabip illet-i aşka
Teşhis-i dile başka etibba mı bulunmaz
Al aşkını ver gönlümü allah için olsun
Dil vermek için dilber-i rana mı bulunmaz
Mesud edecek kimse seni yoksa nezihe
Meşgul edecek bir şuh-ı hülya mı bulunmaz.
Further Reading
- Berfin Abdaloğlu, "Çoğul Şiirlerin Gölgesinde Tekil Bir Kadın:Yaşar Nezihe", blog.radikal.com.tr, 29.04.2013, http://blog.radikal.com.tr/Sayfa/cogul-siirlerin-golgesinde-tekil-bir-kadinyasar-nezihe-20989
- Çelebi Öztürk, "Yaşar Nezihe Bükülmez'in 'Gül Ruhlarını Gonca-i Zibaya Değişmem' İsimli Şiirinin Tahlili", edebiyatufku.com, Şubat 2012, http://www.edebiyatufku.com/haber.php?haber_id=1590
- Sırrı Süreyya Önder, "Mecnun isen ey dil sana leyla mı bulunmaz", Radikal, 7.3.2011, http://www.radikal.com.tr/Radikal.aspx?aType=RadikalYazar&Date=&ArticleID=1042114&CategoryID=97
- Sennur Sezer, "Yaşar Nezihe'ye mektup", Evrensel Gazetesi, 11.3.2010, http://www.evrensel.net/v2/haber.php?haber_id=66274
- İlknur Tatar Kırılmış, "İlk sosyalist kadın şair, Yaşar Nezihe Bükülmez mi?", Turkish Studies, International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, Volume 4/8 Fall 2009, http://www.turkishstudies.net/sayilar/sayi21/92-kirilmistatarilknur1454%28Duzeltme%29.pdf
- Serkan Alkan İspirli, Osmanlı kadınının şiiri, Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, V.2/4, 2007, http://www.turkishstudies.net/sayilar/sayi6/30alkanispirliserhan.pdf (Erişim 27.2.2012).
- İlknur Tatar, Yaşar Nezihe Bükülmez, Hayatı ve Eserleri, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul 1997.
- Sennur Sezer, "Yaşar Nezihe Hanım", Evrensel Gazetesi, Nr.180, 3.12.1995.
- Taha Toros, Mazi Cenneti I, İstanbul 1992.
- Asım Bezirci, "Yaşar Nezihe", Varlık Dergisi, Nr. 978, Mart 1989.
- İbnülemin Mahmut Kemal İnal, Son Asır Türk Şairleri, İstanbul, 1988
- İbrahim Halil Çelik, Yaşar Nezihe Hanım- Hayatı, Sanatı, Gazelleri, Dal Yayıncılık, Şanlıurfa, 1987.
- "Yaşar Nezihe Kardeş", Aydınlık, Nr.6, 13 Kanun-ı evvel 1924.
- Martin Hartmann, Dichter der neuen Türkei, Urkunden und Untersuchungen zur geistesentwicklung des heutigen Orients, (Hg. G. Kampffmeyer), Heft 3, Berlin, 1919, ss. 81-83, http://archive.org/stream/dichterderneuent03hartuoft#page/n107/mode/2up
Quoted sources:
- Martin Hartmann, Dichter der neuen Türkei, Urkunden und Untersuchungen zur geistesentwicklung des heutigen Orients, (Hg. G. Kampffmeyer), Heft 3, Berlin, 1919, ss. 81-83.
- Sennur Sezer, "Yaşar Nezihe'ye mektup", Evrensel Gazetesi, 11.3.2010,
- Taha Toros, Mazi Cenneti, İstanbul 1992.
- yazarmezar.comhttp://yazarmezar.com/mezar-sayfa-131.html (9.4.2012)
Source for Visual Images
- http://archive.org/stream/dichterderneuent03hartuoft#page/n103/mode/2up
- http://yazarmezar.com/mezar-sayfa-131.html (Erişim 9.4.2012)
- Privat archiv of Meral Akkent
[1]:Ahmet Rasim Hanımlara Mahsus Malûmat adlı kadın gazetesinde yazdığı zaman "Leyla Feride" imzasını kullanıyordu.
Translation into English: Emre Aslay, Chicago İllinois, USA Editing: Mary Waegner, Fürth, Bavaria, Germany ©2012 Meral Akkent